oleh :
dunia unik
Proceedings of The 9th Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting 2005, 18–23 (2005)
Long Term Variations in Solar Magnetic Field,
Geomagnetic Field and Climate
S. Duhau
Department of Physics, Buenos Aires University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
MHD losses from the Sun by coronal mass ejection (CMEs) have a strong impact on climate. In the long-term, the strength of this and other sources of climate variability depends on long-term solar activity variability which in turn is determined by solar dynamo magnetic field strength evolution. The prediction of this evolution on which CMEs events play an important role is discussed in the light of present empirical and theoretical knowledge of solar dynamo system. The mechanisms by which CMEs influence climate are summarized. In particular geomagnetic field strength and morphology determine the strength of the CMEs shock waves- magnetosphere interaction and so of its impact on climate. The possible causes of ice ages are discussed on this framework.
Key words: climate changes – ozone – solar activity prediction – ice ages – geomagnetic field – solar magnetic field – solar Coronal mass ejections
Title :
Long Term Variations in Solar Magnetic Field, Geomagnetic Field and Climate
Description oleh :
dunia unik, Proceedings of The 9th Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting 2005, 18–23 (2005) Long Term Variations in Solar Magnetic Field, Geomagnetic Field...