oleh :
dunia unik
Nature 432, (2 December 2004) | doi:10.1038/nature03208; Published online 1 December 2004
Atmospheric science: Tropospheric temperature series from satellites
Simon Tett1 & Peter Thorne2
Arising from: Q. Fu et al. Nature 429, 55–58 (2004); see also communication from Gillett et al.; Fu et al. reply
There has been considerable debate about changes in the temperature of the troposphere1 measured using the Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) instrument2, 3 or radiosondes4, 5. Fu et al.6 linearly combine time series from two MSU channels to estimate vertically integrated 850–300-hPa temperatures and claim consistency between surface and free-troposphere warming for one MSU record. We believe that their approach overfits the data, produces trends that overestimate warming and gives overly optimistic uncertainty estimates. There still remain large differences between observed tropospheric temperature trends and those simulated by a climate model.
Title :
Tropospheric temperature series from satellites
Description oleh :
dunia unik, Nature 432, (2 December 2004) | doi:10.1038/nature03208; Published online 1 December 2004 Atmospheric science: Tropospheric temperature ser...